About Us

Republican Union of Tourism Industry (or Belarusian Touristic Union) is a non-government organization that includes tourist operators and travel agencies, hotels, agricultural tour destinations, transport organizations, guides, etc. It’s the largest tourism association of Belarus.
We are interested in cooperation with tourist associations and outbound tour operators in your state to create favorable conditions to facilitate the stimulation of the bilateral exchange of information and professional resources in the field of tourism, to encourage and increase mutual tourist flows.
Committees of the Union: excursion and transport services; accommodation objects; tourist organizations, legal and information.

Some activities of the Union

Collaboration with state authorities for information sharing, problem solving in the tourism industry and elaboration of normative acts in the sphere of tourism;

Consulting and investment projects;

Selection of partners in the Republic of Belarus;

Discounts in accommodation facilities and tour operators services;

Participation in international tourism exhibitions and conferences;

Organization of info-tours and workshops in the Republic of Belarus and in the countries of The Commonwealth of Independent States and Eastern Europe region.

Tours to Belarus

Republican Union of Tourism Industry is open for cooperation and is ready to assist in organizing the trip to Belarus. The members of the Union are tour operators, hotels, agricultural destinations, etc., which ensure the reception of guests in Belarus at the highest level.

Belarusian tour operators offer tourists a wide range of tourist services – from regular one-day excursions to long-term tours in all historical and ethnographic regions of Belarus:

Collective regular tours from two to seven days;

Weekly regular excursions;

Group and individual package tours;

Development of specialized tours;

Booking hotels throughout Belarus;

Transfer service throughout the territory of Belarus.


Philip Huly

Dzmitry Skvarcheuski

Aliaksandr Krotau

Partnership and Affiliate Membership

Association of Independent Tour Operators (AITO)
European Alliance for Coach Tourism (EACT)
Allianz selbständiger Reiseunternehmen – Bundesverband e.V.u
Association of Latvian Travel Agents and Operators (ALTA)
Polish Chamber of Tourism (PIT)
Indian Association of Tour Operators

Contact information

  • Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 11, office 526
  • +375 17 209 92 88
    +375 17 380 04 16
    +375 29 173 81 51 Mon-Fri , 09.00 - 18.00
  • info@rsti.by We will reply within 24 hours